Donald Trump almost made us miss our flight.

Today, my mom and I flew into New Orleans for our Strange Escapes at sea cruise but we almost didn’t make our flight and its Donald Trump’s fault.  We were already running late due to normal traffic in and around San Francisco but today, there were extra circumstances involving Trump and protestors. As some of you may have seen in the news, Trump had a rally in Burlingame today that was heavily protested. Well, our long term airport parking is also in Burlingame and only a few blocks away from the place the rally was held. When I took the exit to the parking lot, we noticed a lot of CHP around and every corner we turned, there were more and more cops. Immediately we thought, wtf is going on that we haven’t heard about? We successfully parked and caught our shuttle to the terminal. Once we were on the plane, it took a LONG time to actually get off the ground but I figured it was normal flight delays. Nope. It was all connected. A man in front of us has msnbc on and they were reporting on the protesters waiting outside the building and they were also blocking the street rout to the rally location which was the street we took to get to the long term parking lot. While we sat on the tarmack waiting to take off, finally Trumps motorcade left the airport and followed the same rout I’d just drove which was now mostly blocked off by police. Once he was away from the airport, we took off.  We came so so close to being blocked from getting a)to the parking place and b) getting to the airport. I’d have been livid if that jerk made us miss our flight.

But everything worked out and we made it to New Orleans. Just one more adventure to add to the books. Sometimes, you can’t even dream up circumstances that may block your path. I definitely didn’t wake up thinking, “Donald Trump is going to screw up my travel plans today.” Lol.  

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