UK/Ireland/Europe travel tips.

Most hotels I’ve encountered require you to put the key card in the power box before the electricity will work. The box will most likely be right next to the room’s door.

Make sure you have the appropriate power converter for the region. I’ve seen a lot of them in vending machines in the airport and in my hotel.  Bringing a grounded power strip is also very useful.  That way you only need one converter for multiple items and hotel outlets can be scarce a lot of the time. 

Tip: if you accidentally pop a fuze when plugging in your converter and power strip, look for the small fuze box in your room (in my room, it’s in the closet near the ceiling) and make sure all fuzes are in the RED position.  Just learned this one first hand. Lol.

So far, so good here in Ireland!  Jet lag is a bitch though. I’m going to bed now and it’s only 8:30!  Check out my Instagram @weirdghoulstravels for some pictures of my adventure so far.

More travel tips to come as I run into more strange occurrences. Tomorrow I’ll be driving on the left hand side of the road for the first time in a gigantic 8 passenger VW van on tiny Ireland roads. Wish me luck!

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