Almost time to go to Ireland!

Hello weirdos and ghoulies! Sorry for the extended absence. I’ve been busy getting ready for my  next few months of travel. Last week I turned 30 (cue horror movie shrieks) and spent the weekend in Southern California, getting into trouble and having a frightfully good time.  I went to Disneyland to experience my favorite time in the parks, Halloweentime! I just love all of the spooky decorations and taking pictures with all of the villains that roam around the parks.  Then Sunday, my friends and I went to Hamburger Mary’s in Long Beach to see as drag show.  It was so much fun! 

On Monday, I jump on a plane to Ireland for two weeks! I plan to visit as many castles and grave yards as I can, as well as some literary points of interest and natural landmarks as well. I’ve been asked if I’m going to Leap Castle.  The answer is heck yes I am! Whenever I hear about Leap Castle, I always hear how scary or creepy it is so of course I need to go there!  I’m also hoping to visit Duckett’s Grove (though I don’t really want to hear the Banshee’s cries until it’s my time to die.), Charleville Castle, Blarney Canstle, and the Giant’s Causeway. 

I will have my phone with me so I’ll be able to post photos as I go on Instagram and I will also post some Parascope videos while wandering through castles and graveyards. My IG and Parascope handles are both @WeirdGhoulsTravels. You can also follow me on Twitter @WeirdGsTravels.  Andof course, I will post recaps of my day and any interesting occurrences that may happen.  If you have any questions about the places I visit or any suggestions of where to go, please feel free to post in the comments.

Upcoming Event: Haunted Gettysburg November 13-16

If you’ve been to any American school and have taken a history class, then you must have an idea about why Gettysburg is so damn haunted.  The battle of Gettysburg lasted from July 1- July 3rd 1863 and left over 40,000 dead or wounded. That much death and violence in such a short amount of time was bound to leave something behind.  It’s said to be one of the most haunted areas in the country.

This event will include a mixer with the speakers, candlelight walking ghost tour of Gettysburg, a private battlefield tour, lectures, investigations of the Jennie Wade House, Soldiers Orphanage and a mystery location. There will also be a special gallery reading by Chip Coffey (Extra ticket for the gallery is required.)

This investigation will include lectures by Amy Bruni:  Fearless leader, former Ghost Hunter, Owner of Strange Escapes, mama and possible mermaid.  Adam Berry: Second in command, former Ghost Hunter, winner of Ghost Hunters Academy season 2, cofounder of the Peregrine Theater, thespian, singer, and hater of spiders.  Chip Coffey: Psychic medium, Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, Celebrity Ghost Hunt, author of Growing Up Psychic, and all around funny and wonderful guy.  John E.L. Tenney:  Investigator on Destination America’s Ghost Stalkers, lecturer, investigator, and everyone’s weird uncle.  Mark Nesbitt: Author, historian, paranormal investigator, and guardian of an awesome mustache.

Gettysburg has been on my bucket list since I was a kid. I’m very excited to get to investigate and experience the land there.  I feel it’s important to visit the places of great events in history because just reading about them in books doesn’t give you the whole picture.  Books are bias to the authors’ perspectives.  Walk the land, smell the air, and breathe in the place.  You can’t feel the atmosphere of a place just by reading about it.  I will be posting a lot of pictures on my Instagram during this investigation weekend so be sure to follow me there.

For tickets to this event, please visit Strange Escapes Events and click the Gettysburg event. Tickets are available for both the investigation and the gallery reading with Chip Coffey.  There’s also accommodation and travel info as well.

Upcoming event: Belvoir Winery October 16th.

Belvoir Winery is located in Liberty Missouri.  It was once used to house orphans, the elderly and the indigent.  The former orphanage is now the winery but the rest of the buildings sit, unrefurbished, delapidated and probably pretty creepy. I love a good delapidated building.  The winery has been investigated on Syfy’s Ghost Hunters and will be featured again on the season that starts tonight (set to air October 17th, during the investigation. Pretty great timing!)

This Strange Escape will feature guest speakers Amy Bruni: our illustrious leader, former Ghost Hunter and owner of Strange Escapes.  Adam Berry: Amy’s copilot, former Ghost Hunter, thespian, Peregrine theater co-founder, and fantastic singer. Dave Schrader: Host of Darkness Radio and paranormal researcher. Karl Pfeiffer: Winner of Ghost Hunters Academy season 1, Ghost Hunters International, author and photographer.  Kristen Luman: Investigtor on Syfy’s Ghost Mine and hypnotherapist. Patrick Doyle: Investigator on Syfy’s Ghost Mine, author, artist and outdoorsy guy. Jay Verburg: Miner on Syfy’s Ghost Mine, and investigator of everything (his words).  Susan Slaughter: Ghost Hunters Academy, Ghost Hunters International, actor and model.

This should be a great time! I’ll see you all there!

For tickets to this event, please visit Strange Escapes Events and click on October Boos at Belvoir Winery.

Upcoming Event: Wayside Inn, Middletown Virginia.

I will be posting upcoming paranormal events as I find them, as well as my own travels.  

If you’re on the East Coast or a traveler, check out this fun little event coming up in October with Dustin Parri from SyFy’s Ghost Hunters and my friend John Tenney from Destination America’s Ghost Stalkers. It’ll be an opportunity to learn from two very experienced investigators and also to witness their Paranormal bromance in it’s full force. In my opinion, any time you can see or hear Tenney lecture, take it.  He’s one of the most fascinating and strange people I’ve ever met, which is probably why we’re friends.

Ticket info is on the flyer below.  

Ghosts of Virginia City

A look down C Street in Virginia City.

A look down C Street in Virginia City.

It only seems fitting that my first travel post be about one of my favorite paranormal locations in the world. Virginia City Nevada. VC is a semi ghost town located 25 miles away from Reno. But in my opinion, calling it a semi ghost town does it no justice. The place is crawling with ghosts. During the busy season, it’s also full of tourists. Virginia City was established in 1859 and became a hub during the 19th century gold rush and mining boom. People came from all over the world to mine in the hills around VC and to profit off the miners. $400 million worth of gold and silver came out of the area and helped fund the Civil War as well as helped build cities like San Francisco. But where there was gold and silver, there was also greed, betrayal, deception, prostitution, violence, danger and other shiftiness. All the makings for a good old-fashioned haunting. Death was an everyday part of life back then and many tragedies happened in Virginia City. Mining accidents were common, as were gun fights, claim disputes and murder. If you venture to Virginia City, be sure to check out the walking ghost tour and the ghost tour of the Old Washoe Club.

VC has a lot of cute little shops where you can find antiques, jewelry, clothing, candy, novelty signs, and many other things. (My favorite shops are the rock shops, Stone Age.) Along with the shopping, there are also plenty of other things to see and do. There are at least 20 different museums and attractions to experience while you’re in town. There’s also some really great restaurants in town. My absolute favorite place to eat is Cafe Del Rio. They have fantastic vegetarian options. I always get cravings for their enchiladas.

Now for the ghosties. I’m becoming a little conflicted about the stories of the ghosts of VC. Every time I go back, the stories and folklore behind the ghosts changes. Since VC and the old Washoe Club have become somewhat regular destinations on a few ghost hunting shows, the stories have changed a lot to cater to tourists. I get that these stories have brought the people of VC extra tourism and money but frankly, the ghosts are getting annoyed by it.

The first time I visited VC, it was CRAWLING with spirits. I could feel them as soon as we rounded the corner into town. It was a crazy feeling that I’d never experienced that strongly before. That first trip, my investigation team did an over night investigation of the Washoe Club. The Washoe Club used to be an exclusive club for the whose who of the west and all of the big wigs and millionaires in the area came to hang out and stay there. It later became a boarding house and even was rumored to be a brothel. Many different embodiments bring in lots of different spirits.

While doing the initial walk through, I could feel the ghosts following us around and there was always that feeling of being watched. On the second floor, I had an experience that probably would have scared the hell out of anyone else but I’m a weirdo so instead, I thought it was awesome. I was standing in a hall way and suddenly I got the sensation of being choked. Should have been scary right? Nope. Not for me. I could still breathe and swallow normally, there was just a pressure all around my throat. I told my team, “Hey guys, I think I’m getting choked…”. They immediately came over with K2 meters and started taking readings of the area around me. It was a very unique and interesting experience. I’ve never felt anything like that before or since that investigation.

I became acquainted with a couple of distinct spirits during that investigation and had a bunch of really cool things happen, including seeing a ghost monkey. Yes, you read that right, a ghost monkey. The next day, my team and I went on the Washoe’s ghost tour with a bunch of tourists and the docent’s stories completely confirmed a few of our experiences including the monkey, which none of us had prior knowledge of before the investigation. It blew our minds and we all burst into laughter when he told the story of the monkey. What are the odds of first a monkey ghost in an old mining town in Nevada and second, that of all of the spirits in town, we’d encounter that one? The paranormal world is a very strange and very fun place to inhabit.

My favorite spirit in VC is or WAS known as the very ominous Soul Collector. (Ooooooooh scary right?) His back story was that he was extremely possessive and wouldn’t let any of the other spirits leave the Washoe Club, especially the ladies. He’s been known to grab or slap ladies on the butt (I can confirm this), choke people (Confirmed), give very oppressive and intense feelings and he’s just generally a really creepy spirit. Most people who experience something frightening there were experiencing the Soul Collector. So, you may be asking yourself, why the hell would THAT guy be my favorite? Well, we have a special connection after that first visit. I wasn’t as easily scared and he viewed me as a challenge and therefore, I’ve earned his respect. I won’t reveal all of his secretes that I’ve discovered through our connection but he’s one of the most colorful spirits I’ve encountered since I’ve been investigating. I’ve always been a big fan of villains in stories which has lent to my interest in him. I have yet to find out his real identity but he comes to my house occasionally to check in with me. How do I know? Well, at the Washoe Club, he’s known to make very loud walking sounds in the building since he wears cowboy boots and there are hard wood floors. When he comes to my house, he walks up and down the halls and stairs making those same sounds. The thing is, our hall and stairs are carpeted. I don’t mind him coming to visit though. He’s more than welcome to pop in. He never stays longer than a few days at a time because he has a job to do and tourists to scare.

Earlier in this post, I said that the stories changing are annoying the spirits. Well, the Soul Collector is how I know they’re annoyed. The last time I went, the stories had changed from what was being told before and suddenly, the Soul Collector’s story had disappeared and his hauntings were being “blamed” on another spirit. Well, old SC isn’t happy about that. I could feel his impatience and annoyance while I was there, as well as some of the other spirits’ unhappiness. The way I see it is that one of two things can happen because of this. 1) The ghosts are going to get upset and the hauntings will get worse and more intense or 2) The ghosts are going to get fed up and leave. Only time will tell I guess. If they decide to leave, I may have a loud stomping, butt smacking ghost roommate moving in.

Other places in VC that my team has investigated are the Silver Queen Hotel and the Gold Hill Hotel. Both locations are very interesting to explore and offer very different experiences than the Washoe. Silver Queen is a fun place to have a drink and have a look around. There is a wedding chapel you can visit or even get hitched in and was famously the place where The Captain and Tennille were married. Each room is unique and has a claw floor bathtub. The Gold Hill Hotel is noted to be the oldest hotel in Nevada and was a frequent hang out of Mark Twain and his band of buddies. This hotel has historic rooms, modern rooms, private cabins, the Miner’s Cabin, Bouillon Lodge and the Brewery Lodge. I’ve stayed in both the Miner’s Cabin and the Brewery Lodge since they’re two of the haunted locations of the hotel. My experience of the Miner’s Cabin wasn’t much to write about. It has a strange layout, the bathrooms don’t lock and it’s pretty noisy since it’s basically a renovated tin shack right on top of an old mine shaft. The old mine shaft is literally about 20 feet from the front door of the cabin. When I stayed there, we didn’t have much paranormal activity but I’ve talked to other people who have. It seems we were there on a quiet night. It was definitely an interesting experience just for the travel factor.

The Brewery Lodge however, was incredibly active. My team and I had soooooooo many things happen! There were footsteps, odd noises, an energy blob (I don’t know how else to describe it.) dancing miners and then there were the Civil War soldiers. We somehow got a whole troop of Civil War soldiers to come down the hill from VC and come say hello to us. We used the Battle Hymn of the Republic to draw them down and they marched down to the cabin and stood outside. There were 8 of us there that night and all 8 of us saw with our eyes as the soldiers pooled their energy and moved the venetian blinds up and down. We could literally see them move like a finger was running up and down them. It was incredible and lasted about 45 minutes. We were so excited to have something happen that we all could see and that we had a camera running the whole time. Unfortunately, when the footage was reviewed, nothing showed up on the video. Such a bummer! For some reason this type of thing happens a lot during investigations which is why there’s no solid proof of ghosts. It’s just a personal experience to talk about and fuel investigators to keep trying to catch that sort of thing on video.

Another really cool thing that happened in the Brewery Lodge was with the flashlight we were using to communicate. We played the Battle Hymn of the Republic again and the spirits used the flashlight to sing. It was incredible! The spirits used the light to go along with the music. It got brighter as the music crescendos and dimmer as it decrescendos, perfectly in time with the music. So so cool! Of course at that point, we didn’t have a camera on so that also wasn’t recorded.

All of my experiences from VC are just personal and I’m sure people will dispute them and question them and that’s fine. I suggest that people go and visit these places and see for themselves if these places are haunted or not.

So, in conclusion, here are my recommendations:

Best places to visit: The Old Washoe Club, The Rock Shop and Stone Age, Gold Hill Hotel, the Virginia City Cemetery, and really, the whole town.

Best places to stay: Comstock Lodge – It’s like staying at grandma’s house. It’s small cabins, not a lot of rooms, clean, cozy and comfortable and the owners are really nice. Silverland Inn and Suits – if you’d prefer more modern lodgings. And of course the Gold Hill Hotel – if you want to stay in potentially haunted rooms and cabins.

Best places to eat: Cafe del Rio – Delicious Mexican American food with great seafood and vegetarian options. Be sure to try the cinnamon ice cream! Bonanza Cafe – Great breakfast food in the center of town. Bucket of Blood – for what’s said to be some of the best bloody Marys. Red’s Candies and Sandwich Parlor – for some great handmade fudge, candy ice cream and fresh handmade waffle cones.

A little about my investigation style.

Here’s a little bit about my paranormal investigation style.  I’m not a very techie person.  I learned to type before I could write and I knew how to use a computer before I could walk but as I’ve gotten older, my tech experience has become lacking.  Therefore, I’m not a huge fan of going into an investigation with a thousand different gadgets.  I do use them, don’t get me wrong, but I just try not to overly rely on them.  I mostly use a Zoom 360 digital recorder, K2 meters, Ghost (EMF) meters, a laser grid, flashlights and occasionally, full spectrum cameras.  My favorite tool that I use is myself.  As I stated before, I have some psychic abilities but they tend to come and go as they please.  I work with a very talented and diverse group of psychics and mediums and we help each other learn to develop and recognize what we’re experiencing, as psychic.  My particular abilities are empathic which means I can feel the emotions and sometimes physical feelings of others, both living and dead.  I also have a deep understanding and connection with animals.  Sometimes, I can also “hear” spirit’s thoughts or intentions.  The “hearing” is more like a “knowing” as I don’t hear the spirit’s voices with my ears.  Its more like a random thought that doesn’t belong to me, pops into my head.  When investigating, I like to go into the space “blind”, which means I prefer not to know the history of the place or any events that have happened there.  This makes what I pick up more organic and I don’t feel like my knowledge of the place is influencing what I receive or pick up.  When I feel a spirit close by, I’ll start an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) session.  The EVPs help me corroborate what I pick up on my own.  It also helps me remember what questions I’ve asked and information I’ve picked up from spirit.  I tend to blank out during EVP sessions as I try to connect to spirit so it helps to have someone else investigating with me to also ask questions. After investigations, I research the location and look for information that will validate my experiences.  Sometimes, I’ve gotten info that’s blown my mind.

Everyone’s investigation style is different.  If you’re interested in investigating, I suggest you try a lot of different things until you find out what works best for you and what gets the best results.  Just make sure you investigate with integrity and respect.  Spirits were people once too and they deserve some understanding and respect just as living people do.  Yes, there are rude and negative spirits out there, just like there are rude and negative people out there.  Most are just misunderstood and are just trying to get our attention any way that they can.  Look a little deeper before you judge them or jump to any conclusions.  Provoking spirits isn’t necessary, contrary to what some investigators display on TV.  Look at it this way, would you want someone to walk into your home with a bunch of weird gadgets and cameras, take over your space and immediately start yelling at you and calling you a coward if you don’t immediately start doing what they tell you to do?   Probably not, so why do it to spirit?

There are plenty of outlets to find paranormal investigations of your own.  A lot of haunted locations offer tours and even allow over night investigations.  I will be posting about group investigations, how to find them, and what kind of experiences they can be.  Stay tuned for info and tips!

Welcome toWeird Ghoul’s Travels!

IMG_4666Hello travelers!  Welcome to my all new travel blog.  My name is Chandra and I am an avid traveler and have been a lover of the strange, unusual, weird, creepy, macabre and paranormal for most of my life.  I’ve been a believer in the paranormal since I was a little girl after having numerous strange encounters and experiences.  Within the last few years, I’ve delved into the world of paranormal investigation and para-tourism as well as working on enhancing my own psychic abilities.  Besides being a full time weirdo, I’m also a writer and a traveler.  I’ve always had an interest in travel writing so I finally came to the conclusion that I should start a travel blog to chronicle my weird travels.  I’ve been all over the country taking ghost tours and doing investigations but haven’t ever written down my experiences until now.  My friends always ask about my trips and what sort of experiences I have and if I’ve gotten any evidence of the paranormal.  My plan is to use this blog as not only a place to talk about my trips themselves but also to share any evidence I’ve captured along the way.  Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy reading about my travels!  May they inspire you to venture out and explore some of the places I’ve been to and written about.  Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions of places I should visit!